AAIEI NATIONAL VIDEO SPEECH AWARD COMPETITION AAIEI International Education Institute is organizing AAIEI National Video Speech Award Competition for class VIth to XIIth.No Registration feesMake yourself to be proudDetails: AAIEI National Video Speech Award CompetitionThemes for class VIth to VIIIth1. Energy Conservation2. Ozone Depletion3. Global WarmingThemes for class IXth to XIIth1. Sustainable Development2. Smart Agriculture3. Natural Environment Vs Human EnvironmentNOTE1. Video Length: 5-6 Minutes2. With/Without Powerpoint Slides3. You should be visible in Video SpeechLast date for Video submission: 31 October 2021Recorded Video should be submitted by email: aaieiinternational@gmail.comWhatsApp: +919548314372