Google Honored PK Rosy on the Occasion of Her 120th Birthday

Google created a doodle in celebration of PK Rosy, the first female lead in Malayalam film. On February 10, 1903, in Thiruvananthapuram, PK Rosy was born.

Google created a doodle in celebration of PK Rosy, the first female lead in Malayalam film. On February 10, 1903, in Thiruvananthapuram, previously known as Trivandrum, PK Rosy was born. On the occasion of her 120th birthday, Google honours PK Rosy, the first female leader in Malayalam. She was the first actress to work on JC Daniel’s Vigathakumaran in Malayalam movies.

The animated parody of PK Rosy was posted by Google on Twitter along with the quote, “Today’s Doodle Honors PK Rosy, the first female-led to be shown in Malayalam film.”

Who is PK Rosy

Indian actress P.K. Rosy acted in Malayalam movies. She was born on February 10th, 1903, and is most known for being the first actress to appear in Malayalam film, “Vigathakumaran,” which she starred in. JC Daniel directed Vigathakumaran.
PK Rosy Early Years
In 1903, PK Rosy was born Rajamma to a Palaya family in Nandankode, Trivandrum. When she was a little girl, her father passed away, leaving her family in extreme poverty. She had an interest in the arts, and from an early age, acting became her love.

It was a time when seeing women in movies wasn’t frequent or normal. Although the mystery behind her name, “Rosy,” has not been solved, ideas still exist. Some people think she changed her name from Rajamma to Rosamma after converting to Christianity, while others think JC Daniel, the director she worked with, gave her the name to give her a glamorous character.

PK Rosy Career
PK Rosy learned Kakkirasi in 1928, and after JC Daniel’s intended heroine was found to be unsuitable for the part, she entered the movie. She portrayed the Nair woman Sarojini in the movie. Numerous anti-film demonstrations had place after the movie’s premiere because the Dalit women who played the Nairs did not sit well with the Nair community.


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