NCERT Class 6 History Solution Chapter 3 From Gathering to Growing Food

NCERT Class 6 History Solution Chapter 3 From Gathering to Growing Food

1. Why do people who grow crops have to stay in the same place for a long time?

  • Crop growers must remain in the same spot for a long period to care for their plants, protecting them from birds, animals, and other people so that they may grow and mature their harvests or seeds successfully.
  • Settled life is beneficial and necessary for living a civilised existence.
  • Crops are grown to fulfil people’s daily food and other requirements.

2. Look at the table on page 25 of the textbook/ If Neinuo wanted to eat rice, which are the places she would have visited?
Answer: If Neinuo wished to eat rice, she would have gone to these places:
(i) Koldihwa in present-day Uttar Pradesh, and (ii) Mahagara in present-day Uttar Pradesh.

3. Why do archaeologists think that many people who lived in Mehrgarh were hunters to start with and that herding became more important later?
Answer: Archaeologists discovered wild animal bones in the lowest levels of the excavation. They discovered cow bones on the upper levels. This suggests that wild animal hunting was significant long before herding.

4. State whether true or false?
(a) Millets have been found at Hallur.
(b) People in Burzahom lived in rectangular houses.
(c) Chirand is a site in Kashmir.
(d) Jadeite, found in Daojali Hading, may have been brought from China
Answer: (a) True, (b) False, (c) False, (d) True.

5. List three ways in which the lives of farmers and herders would have been different from that of hunter-gatherers.
Farmers and herders’ lifestyles were distinct in the following respects:

  • They began to live a stable existence rather than a nomadic one like hunter-gatherers.
  • Instead of gathering food, they started producing it. Domestication of plants and animals became a part of the Neolithic people’s daily lives.
  • Farmers and herders constructed a variety of structures. They employed tools that differed from those used by humans in the preceding Palaeolithic epoch. Tools with a fine cutting edge, as well as mortars and pestles for grinding grain and other plant products, are among them.
  • Farmers, on the other hand, ate cooked and well-prepared meals, while hunter-gatherers ate uncooked and raw things.

6. Make a list of all the animals mentioned in the table on page 25 of the textbook. For each one, describe what they may have been used for.

  1. Sheep might have been used for meat, milk, and wool.
  2. Goat might have been used for meat and milk.
  3. Buffalo for meat and milk.
  4. Ox for drawing cart, chariot, and plough.
  5. Pig for meat.
  6. Dog was domesticated for safety and taking his help in hunting some of the wild animals.
  7. Other animals like horse, ox, camel, donkey, etc., were called packed animals because they were used for carrying load/carts with people.

7. List the cereals that you eat.
Some cereals eaten by us are GIVEN below :

  1. Rice
  2. Wheat
  3. Maize
  4. Millets
  5. Barley
  6. Lentil &
  7. Grains

8. Do you grow the cereals you have listed in answer no. 7? If yes, draw a chart to show the stages in growing them. If not, draw a chart to show how these cereals reach you from the farmers who grow them
I. Yes, we live in a village and we grow some of the cereals.

Chart showing the stages in growing:

  1. We prepare the ground.
  2. We sow seeds.
  3. We look after the growing plants.
  4. We water them by a tube well.
  5. We harvest the grain.
  6. We thresh and separate husk.
  7. We grind some grain, such as wheat and barley.

II. We live in a big city. We do not grow grain. We get the grains indirectly from the farmers.

  1. Farmers bring their produce to market.
  2. The grain traders buy cereals.
  3. We, as consumers, go out and buy cereal.

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