Introduction of high-yielding varieties (HYV) of seeds from1966-67 increased use of fertilizers and irrigation are known collectively as the phase of Green Revolution, which led to an increase in food production in India and this has helped in achieving its self-sufficiency in food requirements. Prior to the green revolution, food production and food availability were unsatisfactory in India. There were marked variations in the cropping patterns and crop production within the country. The introduction of HYV of seeds in association with other inputs ushered in the green revolution in different parts of the country. The green revolution has brought substantial changes in land use, cropping patterns and increased the yield of crops per unit area, and thereby raising the income levels and standard of living of the farming community. The aim of this book is to examine the genesis, impact and socio-economic implications of the green revolution technology that has brought changes in the agricultural economy of the country.
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For analyzing the changes in cropland use pattern and productivity The Linear Regression technique was applied for the purpose to compute district-wise growth in the area, production, and yield of crops, Crop Yield Index, and Standard Nutrition Unit (SNU) methods were applied for the computation of crop productivity indices, and Karl Pearson’s Correlation Coefficient technique was applied to establish correlation among some selected variables. The state of Uttar Pradesh is predominantly an agricultural region, where the pressure of increasing population has created inequalities in agricultural development. The state also faces problems resulting out from the excessive use of chemical fertilizers and pesticides which have caused soil degradation, groundwater pollution and an increase in the number of pests that a resistant to the application of pesticides.