NCERT Class 6 History Solutions Chapter 7 New Questions and Ideas

NCERT Class 6 History Solutions Chapter 7 New Questions and Ideas

1. Describe the ways in which the Buddha tried to spread his message to the people.

1. Buddha taught the people in Prakrit, which was common people’s language so that everyone might grasp his message without trouble.
2. He also urged people to think for themselves instead of just accepting what he stated.
3. Buddha offered an example of how to live a humble life.
4. Gautam Buddha travelled from place to place, spreading his teachings to common people as well as individuals from higher social groups.

2. Write whether true or false:

1. Animal sacrifices were encouraged by the Buddha.
2. Samath is significant because it was here that the Buddha first gave teaching.
3. ‘Karma,’ according to the Buddha, has no bearing on our life.
4. At Bodh Gaya, the Buddha achieved enlightenment.
5. The ‘atman’ and ‘brahman,’ according to Upanishadic thought, were ultimately one.


  1. False
  2. True
  3. False
  4. True
  5. True.

3. What were the questions that Upanishadic thinkers wanted to answer?
Answer: The Upanishadic thinkers were curious about life beyond death. Some people were curious as to why sacrifices were necessary. They believed there had to be something lasting in the universe that survived death. The Upanishads include a record of their thoughts.

4. What were the main teachings of the Mahavira?
The main teachings of the Mahavira are:

  1. He taught a simple doctrine, men and women who wished to know the truth must leave their homes.
  2. They must faithfully obey the norms of ahimsa, which means avoiding harming or killing living creatures. For example, they had to cover their mouth and nose with cloth. This was done to guarantee that they did not accidentally kill little insects by inhaling hot steam. “All creatures want to live,” Mahavira declared. “Life is precious in every way.”
  3. Lead a simple and pure life.
  4. Do not steal and lead a simple life.
  5. Mahavira was against the caste system. He questioned the superiority of brahmins.
  6. He laid stress on Triratna or three jewels of life-
    • Right Conduct
    • Right Belief and
    • Right Knowledge.

5. Why do you think Armgha’s mother wanted her to know the story of the Buddha?
Answer: Buddha was the Wise One and the founder of Buddhism. His tales have the potential to inspire and motivate pupils. As a result, Anagha’s mother wanted her to know about his background.

6. Do you think it would have been easy for slaves to join the ‘sangha’? Give reasons for your answer.
Ans: Yes, I believe slaves could have easily joined the sangha. Because Buddha advocated and emphasised human equality. Furthermore, some slaves excelled in their jobs and provided numerous valuable services to the sanghas’ residents..

7. Make a List of at least five ideas and questions mentioned in this lesson. Choose three from the List and discuss why you think they are important even today.
Answer: The lesson’s ideas and issues, as well as their current relevance:

  • Suffering and sadness are a part of life. It’s because we have unsatisfied needs. This is still true today since most individuals feel dissatisfied with their current situation. Out of avarice, they turn to unethical methods, resulting in hardship and turmoil.
  • Our acts (‘Karma’) have consequences in both this world and the next.
  • According to Mahavira, we should neither harm or kill any living creature.
  • This is significant because every living creature wishes to live.
  • Thinkers were interested in learning more about life beyond death and why sacrifices were necessary. Sacrifices are unjustifiable since no live being should be slain.
  • Upanishadic philosophers also believed that something in the universe was everlasting and that it survived long after death.

8. Find out more about men and women who renounce the world today. Where do they live, what kinds of clothes do they wear, what do they eat? Why do they renounce the world?
Answer: Even now, religious saints, monks, nuns, philosophers, jain-munnies (rien and women), men and women who have joined the Buddha- Sangha have renounced the world.

They reside in ashrams, vihars, sanghas, dargahas, and other isolated meditation or worship centres. Some of them even reside in distant jungles, beside permanent rivers, or on mountain peaks. They spend the most of their time meditating.
They dress simply or in clothing of a certain colour and pattern.

They consume mostly vegetarian cuisine, such as basic rice or chapatis, as well as milk, fruits, vegetables, and legumes.
They reject the world because they believe that genuine knowledge can only be gained by leaving one’s home.

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